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|| Middle Path ||

Excellence through

Stress Relief | Connect | Growth | Clarity

 A 40-Day Online Meditation Program for Leaders and Aspiring Leaders

Date & Time

Jan 29th - Mar 8th, 2024

6:00 AM - 7:30 AM (IST) 
7:30 PM - 9:00PM (US ET)

You are Infinite Potential.  Explore it!


Attend "Middle Path", A FREE 6-week Online Meditation Program

specially designed for corporate, organizational & business leaders and professionals.

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Anyone can become a ‘Buddha-CEO’

The objective of this program is to help transform every participant into a Buddha-CEO leader. Discover the Science, wisdom and practice of meditation and grow into a ‘Buddha-CEO’, a leader who is more compassionate, equanimous, friendly, energetic, intuitive, creative and purpose driven. 


A 6-week daily meditation practice, supported with powerful meditation wisdom, helps reprogram the old patterns of the subconscious mind and instills a positive and miraculous mindset for an empowering and happy life.


It opens up the gates for an individual to expand their consciousness significantly and lead a life with acceptance, empathy, openness, confidence, clarity and creativity, while realizing their limitless potential!

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The 6-week Journey

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How will You Benefit

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Course Structure & Content

  • Daily online classes over Zoom

  • Daily - 45-min Breath-Mindfulness group meditation - enhanced by curated special music

  • Guidance and Q&A in English by an experienced corporate meditation coach

  • Weekly - two to three master class of 40-min each on corporate meditation wisdom during session

  • Weekly business leader sessions

  • Weekly longer group meditation

  • Weekly break-out room sessions

  • Daily articles / resources to aid your meditation practice

  • Audio recordings of music meditation

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Promo Video

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Chandra Pulamarasetti
Founder, Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation
Entrepreneur, Former VP, 
IBM Corporation

Chandra Pulamarasetti, founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, is a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.


Chandra Pulamarasetti attributes a lot of his success including the acquisition of his software company, to the powerful techniques based on meditation and manifestation.


Inspired and deeply transformed by the teachings of Brahmarshi Patriji, he has studied several masters from East and West including Dr. Joe Dispenza, Swami Rama, Neal Donald Walsh, Seth and many more. He has been practicing meditation for over 22 years now, teaches regularly to leaders and professionals, conducts multi-day meditation retreats and participates in several meditation service activities.


Chandra dreams of a spiritual world being established  in the shortest possible time where every leader transforms into a Buddha-CEO and contributes to this cause significantly.

Registration Form
Registration Form

Note : By clicking the Submit button, you are agreeing to receive confirmation emails & text messages about this event and all communications relating to this event such as reminder & wisdom newsletters

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