|| Coach ||
Buddha-CEO Certified Meditation Coach
Excellence in Everything. Inspire Everyone!

Enroll in our Meditation Coach programs, and become
Empowering Corporate Coaches with Scientific Understanding
New batch dates and registration details will be announced soon.
Stay tuned for updates!
For Queries, Contact: +91 98862 59422
Become SVYASA and Buddha-CEO certified Coach: Elevate your credentials with a Meditation Coach Certificate jointly issued by Buddha CEO Quantum Foundation and SVYASA University, Bangalore—one of India’s leading institutions for yoga and meditation. This option adds the academic recognition of SVYASA to your certification.
To avail this option, register using this link : www.buddhaceo.org/svyasa

Become a Meditation Coach!
Would you like to transform others and create a world full of conscious leaders? Become a Meditation Coach!
Certified Meditation Coach Program
As a certified Meditation coach, you would help others in your community live a purpose-driven life and transform each individual into a BuddhaCEO, allowing them to enjoy an unlimited and abundant life. This will be a significant contribution because you will be helping to create a conscious planet while also enriching and enhancing your own life by becoming an inspiration to those around you
The Orientation session for this program will be on November 03rd at 5:30 to 7:30 PM IST
Professional Coach - Attend a 40-day 'Sankalp' online meditation program, learn all about the scientific spiritual wisdom, receive mentorship from senior coaches, and start teaching in corporates and institutions at the end of 6 months.
Certification Fee: Rs 12000/-
Associate Coach - Attend the first three weeks of a 40-day 'Sankalp' online meditation program to explore scientific spiritual wisdom, receive mentorship from senior coaches, and start teaching in your communities by the end of the 2 months.
Certification Fee: Rs 6000/-
Associate Coach
1. Daily Meditation & Wisdom Sessions (DMWs): 26.25 Hours of Wisdom and your own meditation practice by attending 21 daily sessions of 75 min each (Live or Self paced in Buddha CEO App):
Note: You need to attend one of the batches daily and also listen to the additional recordings provided for that day (all through the Buddha CEO App).
Batch 1
Nov 04th - Nov 24th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:15 AM IST
Batch 2
Nov 04th - Nov 24th, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM IST
Batch 3
Nov 04th - Nov 24th, 2024
9:00 PM - 10:15 PM IST
Batch 4
Nov 04th - Nov 24th, 2024
11:00 PM - 12:15 AM IST
2. Tips & Practical Sessions (TPSs): 12 hours of tips and practicals by attending 4 weekly online live practical sessions of 180 mins (3 hours) each.
November 10th: 5.30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
November 17th: 5.30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
November 24th: 5.30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
December 01st: 5.30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
3. After successfully completing the online classroom course mentioned above, you will be awarded a certificate upon meeting the required criteria.
Professional Coach
1. Daily Meditation & Wisdom Sessions (DMWs): 50 Hours of Wisdom and your own meditation practice by attending 40 daily sessions of 75 min each (Live or Self paced in Buddha CEO App):
Note: You need to attend one of the batches daily and also listen to the additional recordings provided for that day (all through the Buddha CEO App).
Batch 1
Nov 04th – Dec 13th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:15 AM IST
Batch 2
Nov 04th – Dec 13th, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM IST
Batch 3
Nov 04th – Dec 13th, 2024
9:00 PM - 10:15 PM IST
Batch 4
Nov 04th – Dec 13th, 2024
11:00 PM - 12:15 AM IST
2. Tips & Practical Sessions (TPSs):
21 hours of tips and practicals by attending 7 weekly Online Live Practical sessions of 180mins (3 hours) each
November 10th: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
November 17th: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
November 24th: 5.30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
December 01st: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
December 08th: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
December 15th: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
December 22nd: 5:30pm - 8:30pm IST (Sun)
3) After completing the classroom course mentioned above in 2 months, participate in 20 hours of teaching or facilitation by hosting meditation sessions within a three-month timeframe. We can assist in finding opportunities for the same in Buddha-CEO or in any other organizations.
4)To successfully complete the course and obtain certification, please submit evidence of your teachings in the form of certificates or recordings.
Who can become a Meditation Coach?
Becoming a Meditation Coach is open to individuals worldwide, whether you're looking for a part-time or full-time role.
Requirements include a willingness to learn, understand scientific wisdom, and active participation in online communities.
Become part of the huge worldwide online community of meditators
Get access to all the right scientific spiritual wisdom/books and transform yourself
Get mentored by senior coaches and continue to be part of the online community
Transform how individuals and organisations function in a more collaborative way
Help create a world full of conscious meditation leaders
Program Start and End date
Associate Coach Program
Start Date: Nov 3rd, 2024
End Date: Dec 2024
Professional Coach Program
Start Date: Nov 3rd, 2024
Practical Sessions end by Dec 22nd, 2024
Submission of Certificates/Recordings by March 2025
The orientation session for all coaches will be held on Nov 3rd from 5:30 to 7:30 PM IST
Topics for the Program
Introduction to Meditation, Program Structure, Messages by Key Leaders
Experiences of Meditation, How long, when and where to Meditate
Meditation Fundamentals, Brain Waves, Conscious / Sub-conscious Mind programs
What is Meditation, What is NOT Meditation
Books are Swift Shortcut to Enlightenment – Must read books
Regularity in Meditation
How Meditation improves Physical Health & reduces stress
How Meditation Improves Energy & Youthfulness
How meditation improves mental well-being
Meditation improves Mind Powers
Pyramid Energy and its application in daily life
"Thoughts Create Reality” – Quantum Physics Understanding
5 Steps of Manifestation Science
Goal Setting & Visualization
Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs
Neuroscience: Learning to Doing to Being
Emotional Intelligence
Four agreements for greater relationships
4 types of friendships
Mindfulness way of thinking, eating, talking etc.
Spirituo-scientific mindset
Six Spiritual Science Laws
Understanding Purpose of Life / Career
Ikigai – how certain people live a longer life
Service to Others is Service unto Ourselves
Teaching Meditation
Promo Video
![7612800_43 [Converted]-01.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6add23_76abf453e02d44c9b7aeeb5e90be8d7f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_636,h_405,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/7612800_43%20%5BConverted%5D-01.png)

Founder, Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation
Entrepreneur, Former VP, IBM Corporation
Chandra Pulamarasetti, founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, is a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
Chandra Pulamarasetti attributes a lot of his success including the acquisition of his software company, to the powerful techniques based on meditation and manifestation.
Inspired and deeply transformed by the teachings of Brahmarshi Patriji, he has studied several masters from East and West including Dr. Joe Dispenza, Swami Rama, Neal Donald Walsh, Seth and many more. He has been practicing meditation for over 23 years now, teaches regularly to leaders and professionals, conducts multi-day meditation retreats and participates in several meditation service activities.
Chandra dreams of a spiritual world being established in the shortest possible time where every leader transforms into a Buddha-CEO and contributes to this cause significantly.
For Queries, Contact: +91 98862 59422